
This practices uses Medical Objects for referrals and communication purposes from other health professionals involved in your care

Contact Us

Ask a question or book an appointment below.

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Gladstone Rd Highgate Hill 4101

Opening Hours:
Monday-Wednesday 9-5 face to face and telehealth
Thursday 9-5 telehealth only

Book an appointment

Once your booking is made online, please fill in the intake forms sent to you as soon as you make your booking to confirm your appointment. If you upload your mental health care plan and include your medicare details, our practice can process rebates for you.

If you are in a crisis...

If you are in a crisis, if another person may be in danger, or if you are experiencing suicidal or homicidal thoughts, don’t use this site. Call 000 or the following resources can provide you with immediate help.
Talk to a trained mental health professional any time of the day or night. Calls are confidential.

1300 22 46 36

24-hour crisis support telephone service. Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

13 11 14

National service that provides free 24/7 phone, video and online professional counselling to people who are affected by suicide.

1300 659 467